Optimize your abilities with the Work Capacity Development Program

The Work Capacity Development service aims to improve physical and functional abilities to support a safe return to your professional or academic activities. This program is designed for individuals who have experienced an accident, suffer from chronic pain, or have functional limitations.

With the guidance of a team of occupational therapists and physiotherapists, you will follow a personalized rehabilitation plan lasting 4 to 8 weeks. Sessions, lasting 2 to 5 hours per day, take place 2 to 5 times per week. The goal is to strengthen your physical abilities, increase your endurance, and prepare you to resume your activities optimally.

The program includes:

  • Physical and functional exercises to strengthen your body and improve your condition.
  • Work task simulations to prepare you for the demands of your job or studies.
  • Education on pain management and postural hygiene.
  • A gradual return-to-work or school plan, tailored to your abilities.

Adjustments can be made throughout the program. We work with you, your doctor, and, if necessary, your employer to ensure a smooth transition back to your activities.

Contact us for more information.

Expertise in Occupational Therapy

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