Improve your running with our running program at Kinatex

The running program at Kinatex Sports Physio aims to help runners of all levels optimize their performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner, our personalized approach will help you achieve your goals, whether you’re improving your technique, preparing for a competition or returning to running after an injury.

During the first one-hour session, an expert running therapist will perform a complete biomechanical analysis of your running style. This assessment includes a three-dimensional video analysis of your running pattern, a review of your health history and advice on shoe selection and training progression.

The program is particularly useful if you experience pain during or after running, or if you simply want to improve your technique and performance. Customized exercises, based on your assessment, will help you run more fluidly, reduce fatigue and prevent injury.

Our therapists, certified by The Running Clinic, are experts in the prevention and treatment of running-related injuries. Working with you, they’ll give you the tools you need to run safely and maximize your enjoyment.

Book an appointment today for an optimal racing experience.

Expertise in Physiotherapy

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