Driving Assessment at Kinatex

The driving assessment is a specialized service offered by our occupational therapists to determine if you are fit to drive safely. Whether it’s due to a change in your medical condition, an accident, or at the request of the SAAQ, this assessment aims to analyze your physical and cognitive abilities necessary for the safe operation of a vehicle.
This evaluation can be requested by your doctor, or you may seek it if you or your loved ones have noticed changes in your driving abilities.
The assessment takes place in two stages. The first is conducted in the clinic, where your physical, cognitive, and visual abilities will be evaluated through various tests. This session lasts about two hours. The second stage consists of an on-road driving test with a qualified instructor. This 45-minute test allows for an evaluation of your technical skills and behavior on the road.
At the end of these evaluations, the occupational therapist will make recommendations to the SAAQ regarding whether you should retain your license. You will also receive advice to improve your safety behind the wheel or suggestions for alternative transportation if driving is no longer an option.
At Kinatex, we are committed to providing you with a thorough and objective assessment, guiding you throughout the process. Contact us for more information.