Driver’s License Evaluation at Kinatex

If your medical condition, an accident, or your doctor’s recommendation raises concerns about your ability to drive safely, the SAAQ may require an assessment of your driving abilities by an occupational therapist.
At Kinatex, our occupational therapists are trained to thoroughly and accurately assess your physical and cognitive abilities required for driving. The evaluation is conducted in two stages: in the clinic to assess your motor, cognitive, and visual skills, and on the road to evaluate your performance in real-life situations. We guide you throughout the process, from the assessment to submitting the necessary information to the SAAQ.
The purpose of this evaluation is to determine whether you can drive safely and, if necessary, to propose recommendations or adaptations to make driving possible. The results of the evaluation are sent to the SAAQ, which will make the final decision regarding your license.
We understand the importance of autonomy and safety on the road. That’s why our professionals are here to guide you, reassure you, and provide advice tailored to your situation. Get back behind the wheel with confidence with our driver’s license evaluation service.
Contact us to schedule an appointment and ensure your safety on the road.