Are you pregnant and feeling tired? Do you have difficulty breathing or have swelling? Do you suffer from back pain or mood swings?
It is very common for pregnant women to experience certain symptoms that can affect their quality of life. Exercise is one way to maintain good mental and physical health during and after pregnancy.
Extreme fatigue is a common symptom in early pregnancy. Your body is working hard to adapt to all the new physical changes. This can cause extreme fatigue.
You may be able to sleep longer nights than usual. If possible, you can take short naps during the day as well.
Morning sickness consists of nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy hormones. Morning sickness, contrary to its name, can occur at any time of the day.
There are over the counter vitamins and herbal remedies that can help relieve morning sickness. For example, ginger can help relieve nausea. Avoid having an empty stomach to help decrease nausea.
Your hormones are in overload during pregnancy. You may often feel out of sort and forgetful or be unable to concentrate. Fatigue and stress can increase these symptoms..
There are many health benefits to exercising during the first trimester of pregnancy. Here are a few:
You can avoid overexertion during exercise by practicing the “talk test.” This means that if you can still carry on a conversation fluently during exercise, you are not overexerting yourself. In general, pregnant women should aim to perform low impact, moderate intensity exercises that cause light sweating and a slight increase in heart rate.
Here are some tips on how to exercise safely during the first trimester:
If you feel tired or weak, it is important that you stop and rest immediately.
To prevent complications, pregnancy women should avoid:
Research shows that women who were active before pregnancy, but stopped when they became pregnant, had longer labor times and more interventions during labor than those who continued to exercise until the end of their pregnancy. According to research, exercise does not cause miscarriage and women who exercise have been shown to have reduced risk of preterm labor.
Some women worry that their baby will be shaken while they exercise, but this is not the case. Your baby is safe in your womb and may even find the movement relaxing.
It is important to remember that every pregnant woman should speak to their doctor before starting any new exercises or workout routines. To support you during your pregnancy, we also have a team of health professionals who are available to help you at all stages of your pregnancy. This team includes physiotherapists who can help with pelvic floor rehabilitation, massage therapists who are certified to massage pregnant women, osteopaths, and acupuncturists.